Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Mountain of guilt

Day 5/365 - Mountain of guilt

I think I might be feeling a tad bit guilty...

It was a rough, rough morning. The kids weren't terribly thrilled with going back to school this morning in general. Add to that that I okay'd daycare splitting my twins up into seperate classrooms (they are 22 months old) and it was a double whammy of a morning. There were lots of tears shed by all and I felt really, really awful. So I did what any guilt riddled mom would do - picked them up early and took them to buy back their love and forgiveness.


  1. Giggle and hugs!! Great shot. Love the colours!

  2. Awwww! I know that those babies love you know matter what, but for sure those sweet tidbits made you feel better about things. Nice mountain. If it were presented to my kids as is, you would be loved by them as well! LOL!

  3. My 4 year old twins are in the same PreK class, and you've got me curious what will happen once we split them.

    Sorry to hear your little guys didn't take it well!

  4. Oh this made me chuckle, I love the arrangement.

  5. Bribery is nothing to be guilty about, as long as it is in moderation :). Someone told me once that if you have guilt about not being a good enough mom, it proves that you are. Great pic.

  6. aww Hugs to you!! Great picture!!

  7. Guilty!!!! I don't think there has been a time that I haven't walked out of the store with something little for the twins. As a teacher, I think the splitting up is a good thing. It'll give the boys a chance to develop their own friendships and will make their bond stronger when they get to spend time with each other.


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